Terms of Use

Welcome to nikfaindar.com!

Nikfaindar.com is a website that allows users to use completely free to create special and unique characters for nick names of social networking accounts as well as game names. However, when you use our website, you need to abide by the terms of use set forth herein by us. If any of these terms do not satisfy you, please stop using the website:

Visitors’ cookies will be used by us, but we are committed not to use them for personal purposes, profit and not share information, disclose your information to 3rd parties. completely confidential except when required by a competent state agency.

The content on the website can be changed or corrected at any time without prior notice to the user.

All the content on this website is developed by the staff and the website administration, but we are not responsible if you use the information that has become old or inaccurate information. 100% accurate.

When you use the information on this website, we will not bear any damage, if any, to you. The information on the website is for reference only and if you use it elsewhere, you will be responsible for that.

Content such as: website content, graphics, design, layout of the website built by us will be legally owned by us and anyone is not allowed to use them, copy them if without our consent. You may not use such content for commercial purposes. If you use the above information and content illegally, causing damage to you or any other 3rd party, we will not be responsible and you will have to compensate us if you use them for commercial purposes. mine.

On our website, there are links to 3rd websites. The content, privacy policies on these websites are not managed or responsible by us. Please refer to their policy carefully before clicking because we are not responsible if you visit another party’s link.

Finally, we would like to thank our users for trusting and supporting nikfaindar.com. We will constantly upgrade and improve the website to bring you the best experience.